Covid-19 Studies & Researches


Covid-19 is the virus that paralyzes the world and each and every country is in the world wants to know that how can we enter into the world that will be called post corona world or corona free world that’s why all the countries that can afford medical researches are conduct number of studies on each and every angle of the virus to find out the most beneficial results that can help the humanity to make our world corona free. Medical research centers conduct covid-19 studies on the vaccine is the most crucial part because all over the world the only thing which everyone knows that only vaccine can prevent us from coronavirus that’s why a number of covid-19 studies had been conducted to develop the most effective vaccine but coronavirus is very complex in nature that’s why not a single research can give the answers of all questions. The significant covid-19 studies and researches are

Anti-Coronavirus Immunoglobulin (ITAC)

At the beginning of the pandemic, treatment was also a most important area part of covid-19 studies that’s why a number of researches were done on covid-19 treatment. The immunoglobulin (ITAC) study is about the treatment of coronavirus in the studies of the anti-coronavirus hyperimmune immunoglobulin to cure the virus. The study was done on the hospitalized covid-19 patients in the united states and other 16 countries in the world. The research is about the people who have covid-19 symptoms by giving the immunoglobulin can enhance the antibody response of the patient which can help the person from severe illness and death from this deadly virus.

Prevention Covid-19 studies through Antibodies

Monoclonal Antibodies clinical trial is the area of covid-19 studies that can prevent uninfected people from coronavirus. The trials of Monoclonal Antibodies covid-19 studied were done on people who are at high risk of infections.

Covid-19 studies on the immune response of infected people

The investigation team of NIAID’s with the collaboration of the Asthma and Allergic Diseases Clinical Research team developed a study to determine or check the immune response of hospitalized infected people. The data collected from this study give help and support for better and most effective recommendations of Covid-19 treatment.

Covid-19 Studies on uninfected cases 

The NIH clinical center Maryland developed the study on the people who had the infection from SARS-cov-2 which cause the corona. The research was conducted to check the response of antibodies for this purpose the blood samples were collected. The result of the study help to identify the people and community that are most affected from the virus.  
