To inform control measures and guide public policy,Covid-19 testing can be used to screen asymptomatic persons, detect symptomatic illnesses, and monitor epidemiologic trends in the transmission of disease. 3 When it comes to infectious diseases, testing as an intervention method can help with prevention, treatment, and diagnosis.
Covid-19 testing with effective treatment, it is also important to ensure that treatment is available and accessible to those people who are in need. 6 Historical trends indicate that the populations most vulnerable to disease also face greater barriers to accessing treatment. Covid-19 testing but it is very easy method to perform is no different. However, in the absence of curative therapies, and assuming that people are too well to be admitted to hospital, the primary intervention that needs to happen after testing is supporting the prevention of onward transmission, which necessitates space and time.
As a result, covid-19 initiatives require us to address the living and working environments that put some people at risk while others are not. Finally, if governments and policymakers wish to realise the full potential of testing procedures, structural level actions that promote and facilitate people's adherence to isolation or quarantine must be implemented.
Following are the some steps to keep yourself away from covid-19.
To find out where and when to obtain a test, contact your health care practitioner or the COVID-19 helpline.
To stop the infection from spreading, cooperate with contact-tracing techniques.
If testing is not available, stay at home for 14 days and avoid contact with others.
Do not go to work, school, or public venues while you are in quarantine. Request that someone bring you supplies.
Maintain a 1-meter separation from others, including family members.
Wear a medical mask to protect others, as well as yourself if you require medical attention.
Hands should be washed often.
Stay in a separate room from other family members, and if not possible, wear a medical mask.
Make sure the space is well ventilated.
If you're sharing a room, choose a location that's convenient for both of you.
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