Clinical Trials is a milestone for humans because if the milestone is covered successfully that means medical science has some new development or invention for the betterment of society. The inventions after successful clinical trials are medicines, surgery, treatment and medical devices. Volunteers played a very important role in every clinical trial because if they don’t participate in trials then no development can be possible. Volunteers are the people that volunteer themselves for the testing of the drugs or treatments. Most clinical trials are paid in which volunteers have been paid for their participation in clinical trials. Money is paid for the volunteers is just a way to say thanks for participating in the clinical trials because the importance of volunteers in the trials is more than that which they do for society. The volunteers through their participation in the clinical trials are helping the millions of people because if the drug or treatment is successful then it will be used for the betterment of millions of individuals who are suffering from any disease or a certain living condition.
How much money has been paid to volunteers for participation in the clinical trials?
The amount of money is dependent on the nature of the trials. Mostly the highest-paid clinical trials are the phase I trials in which almost 20 to 80 volunteers are required for the testing of drugs. Volunteers who participate in Phase I trial average paid money is around $ 1,968 while the volunteers who participate in phase II or other remaining phases of clinical trials paid approximately %50-3000 on the visits or per day. After Phase I clinical trials volunteers the second-highest-paid clinical trials are the trials in which the volunteers have to stay at the hospital and the trials in which volunteers should visit the hospital repeatedly.
Advantages of participation in the clinical trials
The most beneficial thing and the first advantage of participating in the clinical trial are that you will save or batter the life of millions if the medicine or treatment is successful.
You will receive the most premium health care facility before and after the trials that are not in the access of any ordinary person.
You will have a good amount of money for participation.
How can I Participate in Clinical Trials?
To participate in the clinical trials, you have to be healthy and certain clinical trials required people living with a particular living condition such as disorder or disease. So, if you think that you also can help others by participating in the clinical trials then volunteer themselves and help millions of people living on the planet that is called earth.
Read more: Clinical Research Trials
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